Hurricane, 5000 evacuated, no more beach holidays for us... or at least not at Kho Phang Nga, the reason why we chose to stay in Thailand after our stunt using our brains. Mistake. Hua Hin: horses galore with blubbery pink tourists on them + ladies in very short skirts clinging onto men at least three times older and a million times uglier.
Thai Airways unfortunately refused to let us stay on board when we landed in Bangalore. So we were forced to enter India. Ok, its supposed to get better with time, but so far we have encountered record levels of filth, fleas bouncing on pillows and people spitting wads of saliva at a rate approaching the world champion Indonesian woman. On the other hand, we have seen gorgeous temples and are stunned by colours, smells and tastes (buds still on fire).
Photos? you must be joking, we cannot even find a place that has more than explorer 3... who said this was the world of technology and that Bangalore was Silicone Valley???
Grinning breathlessly, we pray that fun will come, eventually, hopefully, please, and that harassment levels will subside.
Very sweet and juicy, huge Thai jackfruits are lovely.
WELCOME to Bangalore the ultra-modern IT town, Karnataka, India.
This picture and the next one are from 2 different countries ...
... tell me which coffee we had in India.
Colorful markets and colorful ladies are everywhere in India ...
but they don't outnumber the sacred cows.
This is why you come down here, the Marahaja Palace, Mysore.
On the way back, after using our bare feet to keep the Palace clean.
Intricate details of Somnathpur temple near Mysore.
More to make our eyes pop out.