Hurray, found a place to upload the pictures. So here is a quick illustration of what we have been up to:
From Hassan we visited the Jain temples of Halebid and Belur, wow, superbe stone carvings, lovely. From there we caught a night train to Hubli in superdooper top class and found the cleanest toilets of all India, yes, in the train... says it all?? We arrived in Hubli at 4.30 am, just in time to feel the temptation to use the pepper spray again. We got the worst tuck tuck driver on the surface of the earth. He drove like an idiot, did not take us where we wanted him to and then demanded twice the fare we had agreed. He then started to get all stroppy and pushy - all this in a dark corner - so we coughed up (not because of the pepper spray, but it could have been if we had not had our packs on). Safely inside the bus station we boarded the bus to Badami. We were already shaken by the autorickshaw experience so having a guy pick my pocket, feeling it, and subsequently having to go ballistic did not help. You may have heard me yelling from Europe. My vocal cords are still vibrating and the whales of the oceans have not recovered. The bus driver and assistant however found it amusing that someone would try to steal from us... ohhh we love India.
In Badami, we visited its fine caves and ruined fort, and were again confronted to lots of staring unfriendly men. Even the kids only approached us because they wanted money or something. We are now calling each other Chocolate and Schoolpen.
Hampi: beautifully set amongst lots of temples, hills and boulders. Food? to faint for, literally. Cristian knows, he passed out in the locked bathroom - did you hear me shout then??
Hassan parking lot.
Ape Piaggio, the local taxi, an Italo-Indian technology miracle.
This is where the old Vespa are: Badami.
Two little goats at the Hindu temple, Badami.
Two little girls at the mosque, Badami.
Schoolpen with her new Indian family (interesting addition to their picture).
One of the cave temples in Badami.
The Indian equivalent of Migros.
Two Jain monks wafting incense.
Schoolpen at the Lotus Majhal temple, Hampi.
The swimming pool of the Maharajas.
Gipsy selling peanuts on the train to Hospet.
Calling the President.