In the past two days we have taken enough pictures of the temples to drive you all insane. The plan is to invite you round mid-week, have a really heavy, late dinner, and put you through the slide show of your lives!! I think i have raved to many of you about the joys of Cambodia, but would like to remind you that we have only spent 3 days here so far, so the ranting could get worse, and might well turn into perfect rambling to syncronise with the slide-show. ooohh, i can tell you cannot wait for us to get back now.
Well, this is day 250 of our trip. So we have not seen most of you for that long. Bohouohou. Now, just imagine the quantity of anecdotes that we will have accumulated by day 365, think mid-week again, think post-work. ;-)
On the down side, the heat has just melted my trousers into the cushion cover of the internet cafe chair. surely a sign that i should get out of here rather sooner than later (with chair attached to backside)? I will just add that Cambodia has lived up to my many expectations. The people are exceptional, the temples are breath-taking, the food is scrumptious, life is great.
Angkor Wat and its copy.
The two of us dancing.
Cristian has stomach ache from eating too much baguette.
Big tree or small guy?
Music to accompany our visits.