After gambling with egyptian meat, myfriendcris (taxi? caleche? kebab? my friend?)finally hit the jackpot with some bacteria-infested chicken and dashed to the loo to celebrate in true exorcist-style (the one where the sick shoots across the room). What clearer cue could we have needed to leave beautiful Luxor and try our luck in the tourist capital of Hurghada? Here goats roam in hundreds of unfinished buildings whilst tourists seeking the sun freeze their limbs off in the frosty wind.
Prior to that, we got adopted by a bromie family on our way to Aswan's gorgeous Temple of Isis, skippered a fellucca boat down the Nile, foamed at the mouth with falafel, and marvelled in Luxor. The ancient Egyptians really did a great job with their tombs and buildings, shame we can't say the same of Mubarak and his cronies - must be because they are too busy carrying kalashnikovs around...
Cruising the Nile on a Fellucca, Aswan.
Iris Temple, Philae Island.
Cris wants the same haircut as this statue in the Temple at Karnak.
The Egyptian's recipe for canard a la cafard.
No photos inside the tombs of the Valley of the Kings, we discovered later...
Free-riding to the Valley of the Queens.
Followed by myfriendcris.