The day of the bloody livestock was the last day of our World Tour 2004. Today is the day Muslims slaughter sheep, goats, cows, anything vaguely fitting that description. And most of them do it on the street, so visiting Islamic Cairo was like swimming through a pool of blood and viscera. At every corner dismembered animals stared at the clear sky. A first, lets add, because never before have I seen so many cadavers, or cows heads being skinned, hoofs being shoved into bags, skins taken away by horses, or in fact so many people covered in blood or so many houses, buses, cars, clothes with red hand prints on them.
And in sharp contrast with our visit of wonderful Alexandria when we spent time with some herders commenting on the beauty of their animals - fat tails, not like we have at home!
Putting the horror behind us, we still managed to visit our first mosque and have reverted back to being vegetarian (me) well up for a fresh kebab (myfriendcris).
But enough of all this as we will see you all very soon, providing BA has not rerouted or cancelled the plane (impossible to know since all the offices are closed...)
After the Red Sea, here is the Med.
Our hotel in Alexandria.
Sipping coffee with Bob (the hat).
Big tailed dancing sheep.
Not aware that this was its destiny...
Another first on the last day.