After having spent a week on the coast trying to become cool surfer dudes, we retreated to the mountains and back into our ultra unfashionable thermals... Drinking half the Pacific could only be kept up for so long, besides, Ecuadorian beer tastes better! And I think we might have to go and have one any minute now to smoothen out today's emotions. We squashed a sheep. That is what it all comes down to. It got sliced in half, literally. Yet it had nothing to do with Cristian's eating habits. Why can we never take a train without it having a killer streak? In Bolivia it was a cow, today it was woolier - and we saw it too, from the roof of the train - we now travel on the top of trains rather than inside. Only stupid gringoes would pay to be treated like luggage right?! So voila, it all happened between Alausi and Riobamba on the "Devil's nose" track. Mother Earth however was not even satisfied with that sacrifice and send us lots of rain to compensate. We got soaked and soggy thermals are not fun to wear :-)
We are planning to go to Banos and leave Riobamba memories behind. But please check the site again soon as we want to post more pictures of cuys, our hamster friends, but live ones this time, from Saquisili market, where we paid to take their picture and bought some to send to you so you can try the "chactado" recipe!!
Doing some food shopping at the Siquilisi market.
Quilotoa crater with an organized group of tourists from Ireland.
At that point we felt lost...
but Cristian's special dog found the way.