So what did happen since we last talked?
There has been another guinea pig (frito rather than cactado) but just as disgusting, if not more, if that is possible, as it was literally slit in two, including the head, and spent all dinner showing me its back teeth, which are worse still than the front ones. The deep fried eyes also did not do it for me... lucky for you that i cannot upload pictures; you would have been in for a treat!!
To celebrate cuy number 2, we had some peruvian wine, which is not something i would recommend to anyone - at least not the one we had.
Let me warn you now, this is mostly going to be about food as we are killing time before we catch a night bus and trying to go for dinner as late as possible, so i am starving - eventhough i just saw a man selling steamed armadillos - whole, the whole thing was in his pot... i suppose it competes with the decorative armadillo wall hangings that we saw in Bolivia?
Never a dull moment you see, from dawn to sunset. The latest dawn experience was this morning when we got a cheese sandwich for breakfast and it automatically appeared with a huge plate full of chips!! at least there was no fly in the coffee which is more than i can say for Cajamarca.
Anyhow, since being in Pisco, where we were entertained by a minor earthquake (we were the only two that belted out of the hostel, the rest did not even bother...), we have enjoyed a variety of mishaps.
The buses falling a part will come as no surprise, but i also had to hold Cristian back as he tried to annihilate a taxi driver who tried to run us over on a pedestrian crossing (not that we believe zebra stipes make any difference at all in the world of beebing taxis). As we intended to diversify transportation, we even got on a mototaxi, only to be told that they are not allowed anywhere near the centre, so we got off again and left a bagfull of mandarines on the seat (Cristian is weeping about them now!).
On a more geographical note, we enjoyed Cajamarca a lot as it got us away from the hazy coast and back into the beautiful mountains plus we went to the Inka spa "Banos del Inka" with hot water at 78*; had a good time visiting Chiclayo's Museo del Senor Sipan, which was full of gorgeous gold artefacts; and are now looking forwards to getting to Ecuador's Loja, tomorrow morning - if our bus does not fail us tonight!
So more from us later on. Many hugs to all, of course, but especially the poulettes who are celebrating Valerie right now.
2nd cuy frito in Salas restaurant, Cajamarca;
Banos del Inka near Cajamarca;
Why are jaguars endangered? The biggest threat near Cajamarca;
Our next door friend, Cajamarca.