Welcome to Indonesia. We land at 3am but we can already feel the vibes of a totally different culture and a radically different place. From the airport to our hotel in Kuta Beach we swerve through a series of alley ways, squeezing past lots of scooters and a few pedestrians. AP Inn has a huge pool, private room with bathroom - an obsession after the gloom of dorms or sleeping in cars in Australia! Kuta is frenetic, with shop vendors everywhere and people asking you questions all the time - transport? transport? taksi? dinner? (a bit like Cusco!!) From there we go to Ubud, a lovely spot surrounded by rice fields (full of snakes, we discover after prancing around in our flip flops...), then out to visit temples, museums, shrines, batik factories, the lot. Totally touristy but worth the effort. Bali is nice, Indonesians are friendly and happily put up with our broken phrasebook communication skills. We are thrilled to be back out in the world of culture shocks and travel.
A Balinese dance in Ubud. C has been imitating the eye and head movements eversince.
Fighter cocks, possibly the ones that wake us up in the morning?
Kemen Temple, in Bangli.
Klungkung Old Court of Justice.