We saw andean condors, andean rabbits, alpacas, viscachas, llamas and much more. We drank chachacoma infusions, ate alpaca steaks, and still managed to fit in with 10 other passengers in a normal car (we were in the boot with one other, whilst the 12th person sat on the roof rack with his pickaxe). We walked from Chivay (o non ci vai) to Coporaque, then to Yanque, and are now happily back in Arequipa!
Here are the latest pics:
Andean condor!!!!
A close up.
Not a condor but some very large andean eagle that thought Cristian's looked a lot like a tasty meal.
A women wearing traditional dress in Colca Canyon - one flower on hat means that she is married, two is the green light, she is single!!