Thursday, January 29, 2004

Che caldo... anche oggi 43 gradi. Ieri ho passato un bellissimo 28esimo compleanno alle cascate di Iguazu. 275 cascate di 74 metri, se la memoria e' giusta, tutte all'interno del parco naturale. Una bellezza mai vista, un fiume enorme che si getta giu per la montagna per tutti i lati e che lascia partire nuvole di vapore acqueo. Vedere per credere.

we are on a computer with pedals. again trying to escape the heat. 40 degrees or more, we are so stuck to our clothes that we are starting to wonder if we will ever be able to peel them of. now the thought of catching a bus down to Buenos Aires, is both enchanting - as it might well be airconditionned - and very scary: what if the tshirt fixates itself to the skin and is impossible to remove some 18hours later (oh yes, that is how long it will take us - setting the standards for our next bus rides over the Andes no doubt).
Anyhow, i just wanted to let you know that Senor Giardini turned 28 helped by Caipiriniahs that were stronger than Mr Fox`s G&Ts and a steak that was actually the size of half a cow.
Happiness ensued. also due to the fact that it was the first time we managed to abide by Argentinian times and have dinner at 11pm. ok, have been having relatively early nights but have solid excuses to back the facts, such as having to cope with hords of mosquitoes and furnace like rooms with no fans and hardly any windows. couple that with night buses and you have a great cocktail to give you the puffiest of eyes - to the point that even the wrinkles disipated into oblivion.
Other than that, i will just add to C`s previous comment about the Falls; they were breathtaking. really. i was expecting the equivalent of Fer a Cheval, but no, it was Fer a Cheval times a thousand!!
right, better get off to give you all some space to email back some news.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Cristian in his pasta paradise - spaghetti in front of MALBA (museo arte latinoamericana buenos aires)
Friday tango in La Boca, Buenos Aires, before catching a bus to Sant Ignacio Mini.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

technology, hurray, this seems to work - except the symbols on the keybord.
no complaints though. arrived safe and sound. now very dirty in a London kind of way with very vivid memories of Barcelona. This is just bigger and smoggier, but nice and lively.
For today, just wanted to share with you that we are in the land of Muzzarella (no typo).
Have also just visited Teatro Colon - as good as the Scala in Milan - it would be since it was built by a bunch of Italians** and walked for miles round the centre.
right, need to take another shower as feel like nose is black inside... nice lots of hugs

Teatro Colon Buenos Aires.
uff... primo giorno di Estate 30 gradi a Buenos Aires. Il viaggio e' stato un po' faticoso ma la gente ci ha accolto con il sorriso. Stasera cena a base di ASADO (carne alla brace) e vino locale cercando di smaltire il fuso orario, solo 4 ore comunque.

Casa Rosada Av. 25 de Mayo.
Je suis tellement emballee que j'ai oublie de vous dire combien j'ai apprecie la presence d'une bassecour et plus a l'aeroport. ca nous a fait tout bizarre de vous laisser de l'autre cote de la douane... vous nous manquer deja et on aimerait bien partager cette chouette Buenos Aires avec vous tous.
en attendant on vous envoie plein de lechouilles salee et on vous remercie aussi pour le plan poulettes en vadrouille.
mil besos

Cool cafe Aroma.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

We are flying out @ 19.10, see you at 17.30 check in of IBERIA Airlines.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Prima della partenza...

Qui potrai avere notizie di noi e foto del viaggio. Stay connesso.
Here you can follow our adventures... stay tunned.